Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 919
Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 1055
Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 1050
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 919
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 1055
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Sonnenbrille Orgreen, Modell: Tallulah Farbe: 1050

Orgreen Tallulah

Normaler Preis
€388.00 EUR
€388.00 EUR
Normaler Preis

Orgreen Tallulah 2024 Sonnenbrille Sammlung

Tallulah Produktkarte

  • Größeninfo: [Grösse-Nasenbrücke-Brillenbügel]
  • Geschlecht: Damenbrillen
  • Material: Titanium
  • Gestalten: Cat's eye
  • Spezialität: Fashion
  • Objektivtyp: Organic Plastic
  • Notiz: Collection:SHEET TITANIUM - A combination of 100% pure titanium and beta-titanium. Tallulah Bankhead's fabulous, flamboyant, flippant personality is embodied in our Tallulah frames. Sexy round curves and voluptuous outlines are glamorous with a capital G, perfect for making a dramatic entrance - or exit. Inspired by the image of free-spirited women in the driver's seat of life, they embrace what Tallulah once said, 'Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time'.

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